Villa Campolieto in Herculaneum, base of STOA ‘- Institute of Studies for Business Management and Administration, in April 27th – 29th* hosts the USA-Italy comparison on “Educational renewal”, the first global event in Italy about Educational Technologies, with a focus on technologies to amplify, engage and educate students. The event is promoted by CER – Center for Education Reform, the main US organization on innovation and educational transformation, with the most important and historic Management School in Southern Italy.
The focus chosen for the Villa Campolieto meeting is on exploration, discovery and connection with innovative technologies and practices, already widely used in the learning field.
“Post-university and corporate training too – underlines Enrico Cardillo, STOA’ general manager and CEO – must guarantee continuity between different educational areas, proposing training models that cross all levels of education, preparing young people for the challenges of work, life and the deep social and economic changes in the world. STOA ’looks carefully at the main innovations in the training sector, offering masters and courses constantly updated with the new paradigms of companies, markets and professions”.
Italian and American experts, entrepreneurs and startuppers are expected at the meeting in Ercolano.
*Due to COVID-19 emergency, following the provisions of DPCM in 04/10/2020, the event is delayed indefinitely.