Villa Campolieto in Ercolano, headquarters of STOA’ (Institute for Management of Enterprises), from 21 to 23 september hosts E Innovation Festival, USA-Italy meeting on “Educational Renewal”, the first world event in Italy on technologies for education, with a focus on technologies to amplify, engage and educate students. The event is promoted by the CER (Center for Education Reform), the leading US organization on educational innovation and transformation, founded and chaired by Jeanne Allen.
The focus chosen for the Villa Campolieto meeting concerns exploration, discovery and connection with innovative technologies and practices, already widely used in the world of learning.
“The future of work, higher education, industrial innovation and research on a global scale – says Enrico Cardillo, general manager and managing director of STOA’- represent a constantly evolving system that generates opportunities for those who follow its paradigms. We are really proud to connect United States and Italy, thanks to Jeanne Allen, founder and CEO of the Center for Educational Reform, who together with other influential American and Italian speakers will discuss together for three days in Villa Campolieto”.
Will attend the meeting Italian and American experts, entrepreneurs and startuppers, such as Marco Cappellini, Co-Founder & CEO VirtuItaly; the former Minister of Culture Alberto Bonisoli; Michael McDonald Technology of Gold Lotus; Matt Sigelman, CEO, Burning Glass Technologies; Carol D’Amico, executive vice president of Strada Education Network; Lisa Dawley director of the Jacobs Institute for Innovation in Education, University of San Diego; Enrico Poli, director of Zanichelli Venture Education Reform; Paolo Tealdi, computer engineer; Tammy Barron, president of School Growth; Ben Nelson, founder and CEO, Minerva; Lorenzo Cesaretti, co founder and CTO Talent srl.